Sunday, December 20, 2009


The nice man at the "bottle store" (Daddy's favorite beer shoppe) gave me this delicious treat. I licked it very slowly in the car on the way home and then declared to Daddy, "I love my lollipop." These things are awesome.

Christmastime in Wilton

Some of our fellow Wiltonians are very very very excited about this time of year. Trevor likes their enthusiasm.

Santa Hayride!

Wilton has a really fun Santa hayride at Ambler Farms. Santa was there, there was a bonfire and we had cookies in the barn!

Thumbs Up to Santa

New curtains!

The family room/my play space got a major upgrade with some new curtains! Warm colors and a good new look, Mommy!

Thanksgiving Story

Cozy time with Uncle Mac and Sophia at Thanksgiving...

Thanksgiving Turkey Trot

We went to Hagerstown for a great Thansgiving. Daddy ran in a very short running race with Steven and Uncle Mac. Though Daddy finished a long time after them. I was just amazed that so many people wanted to run on a day dedicated to eating. I had a lot of fun playing with my cousins and dancing around the gym. I discovered a new game -- close my eyes and run into a crowd of people. Hilarious.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wilton Leaves

Rest assured, there is no shortage of leaves in Wilton, CT.


One of my favorite things to do lately -- usually right before bath -- so I am naked -- is to run around and chase mommy and daddy. I try to sneak up on them and "surprise" them! Daddy caught me on tape. Surprise!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I decided yesterday that I would give my pacis to Baby Madeline at school. I told Mommy and she thought it was a great idea. I only use my pacis in the crib for naps and bedtime, anyway. I am a big boy now, and Baby Madeline probably needs them more than I do. So this morning we put all of the pacis into a little bag. I even got the secret emergency paci from the diaper bag (my idea) and headed off to school. I told Daddy in the car "I am not a baby anymore," as I looked at the bag of pacis in my hands. Baby Madeline happened to be on vacation in St. Thomas, but I presented the bag to Adrianna, her teacher and my longtime friend, for safe keeping. Everyone thought I was such a big boy and that I was being very brave.

Mommy and Daddy promised to take me to a Pizza Restaurant tonight for a special treat! That is the big news of the day.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


We continue to embrace our inner monkey...

Scarecrow Party

All of our neighbors on Tamarack had a party and each family built a scarecrow. It was so much fun. I had a great time playing in big pile of hay! Our scarecrow looks great on the front porch.

Daddy note: Trevor is in a very fun stage. He is curious, engaged and certainly engaging. He is a funny little guy with an infectious smile. At several times during the scarecrow party he ran into the leaves and woods. He is fearless -- and lapping up the fun of life. Coordination is coming, slowly, but he is starting to enjoy running around more and more. Mommy and Daddy continue to be obsessed with him.

Sesame Street Live!

Mommy took me to Sesame Street Live. We went with Diane and Baby Max and we had great seats. I saw all of my favorite guys, and wore my Sesame Street shirt!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why we left NYC

I call this post: "This weekend is why we live in Connecticut." Hiking and apple picking, come on!

Subtitle: "Trevor likes apples. A lot."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Grandma's visit to Wilton

Grandma (and Annie) visited for a whole week. Mommy and Daddy had their first night away from me, but I was having so much fun with Grandma, I did not even notice. By the end of the week, I could even be in the family room by myself with Annie - which was big progress. Always have fun with Grandma!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Neighborhood Parade

My latest fun activity is to collect all of my toys and create a "neighborhood parade" in the family room. This shot is a parade on the couch. Every. Single. Toy. Piled high. Hooray.

Muscoot Farm

Trevor's first visit to a real farm. Liked the animals, loved the tractor.

2nd Birthday Party

Can you believe I am two?? Mommy and Daddy threw a fun party for me on the back deck. I had requested a "Monkey Cake" and they really ran with the theme. Tablecloths, masks, balloons, and even a huge inflatable "big brown monkey" all made the party very festive. I had a ball, and particularly loved the cake. The guest list included cousins Griffin and Sophia, Jackson and Clay, Walker and Zakary, Noa, Jake and Sienna. Tons of fun.

I continue to be obsessed with singing into available "microphones." I am also really enjoying trips to the library with Mommy. Want to read the new books we check out as soon as possible. Hard to believe I am 2. I have started a rigorous fall curriculum including swimming lessons and a tumbling class at the Wilton YMCA. So far I love the classes.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

23 months

Still in the brown chair, after 23 months. Caught a bit of a black eye from a spill on my friend Sienna's play set, but I am recovering. I am closing in on two years, hard to believe! I love to talk, read, and sing into any available "microphone." I have amazed my parents more than once, pulling out words that I have only heard once, days before. Having a good time in CT, still like school a couple of days a week, but really love playing with Mommy. The summer went too fast, but I will take some fun classes (swimming, tumbling) in the fall, which will be great.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Breakthrough - Out of the crib

This morning I was getting dressed, Emily was in the shower, and Trevor started a typical singsong "Mooo-mmmy" from his crib in his room. I heard a bump, which was not too loud, and sounded like he was moving around in the crib. But then his bedroom door opened.

He was sitting in his "snuggle corner" reaching to open the door. He was with the "guys" with a paci in his mouth holding a book, having just alighted from his crib for the first time.

"Read a book," he said as I walked into the room.

"How did you get into the snuggle corner?" I asked.

He said simply, "climbed down from the crib."


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Singing Happy Birthday

Singing "Happy Birthday." Under a table. With a microphone. Over and over.

Swimming in my birthday suit

Tasteful, morning, refreshing.

Feeding the Ducks

Had fun feeding the ducks with Grandma.

Skaneateles Summer 2009

Had a great week in Skaneateles, where Mommy and Daddy got hitched and Grandma grew up. I swam and swam and swam. Love the lot, with its many wonderful rocks. I drove the boat. I slept in a tent. I survived the rain. I made "bean salad" in the gravel over and over again. Grandma and Annie are still my favorites.

Toothbrush Face

Mommy taught me how to show my teeth for proper brushing. Now I think it is hilarious.

Delaware Beach 2009

We went to the beach in Delaware with all my Galligan-side cousins. Had a lot of fun on the beach, in the oceans, and running after all the KIDS!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I can run pretty well. It is more like a shuffle, but it is fun. Especially when there are rocks involved.

22 Months, July 8, 2009

22 Months, can you believe??

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tree Chase Video

Screaming and laughing fun with Daddy, running around the tree on the deck.

Summer is rolling along, and we have had a lot of fun visitors over the last few days. Aunt Annie and all of the Puccini kids came over and went swimming with me at the Y last week. Aunt Meg came for dinner on Friday and we had a blast. Saturday Joe and Caroline came over with Elizabeth and Baby Brigid. Then on Sunday, Karen and Steve came by with Casey and Gavin. We are all exhausted, but I was a really good host.

I am 22 months now. I blew M&D away yesterday when I counted to 11, spontaneously, unprompted, and correctly! They are so silly. They don't know what I know. Last week I impressed them when I said "Galligan." Hello, people, it's my last name. Shouldn't I know how to say it?? The other big news is that I have been regularly using the potty for the past two weeks or so. I am pretty reliable in the morning, and somedays I have used it in the evening as well. It is a good place to reflect and read a good book. And everyone get so excited!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.