Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I can run pretty well. It is more like a shuffle, but it is fun. Especially when there are rocks involved.

22 Months, July 8, 2009

22 Months, can you believe??

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tree Chase Video

Screaming and laughing fun with Daddy, running around the tree on the deck.

Summer is rolling along, and we have had a lot of fun visitors over the last few days. Aunt Annie and all of the Puccini kids came over and went swimming with me at the Y last week. Aunt Meg came for dinner on Friday and we had a blast. Saturday Joe and Caroline came over with Elizabeth and Baby Brigid. Then on Sunday, Karen and Steve came by with Casey and Gavin. We are all exhausted, but I was a really good host.

I am 22 months now. I blew M&D away yesterday when I counted to 11, spontaneously, unprompted, and correctly! They are so silly. They don't know what I know. Last week I impressed them when I said "Galligan." Hello, people, it's my last name. Shouldn't I know how to say it?? The other big news is that I have been regularly using the potty for the past two weeks or so. I am pretty reliable in the morning, and somedays I have used it in the evening as well. It is a good place to reflect and read a good book. And everyone get so excited!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lulu Beach House

For me, the word "Little" sounds better as "Lulu." I have a book, "Big - Lulu." I sometimes want a "lulu bit" of cereal. And last weekend, when we went to the Wagshal's house in Quogue, I could not get enough of the "lulu house" in the backyard. We had a great time at the beach and playing at the house - big and lulu.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Danbury Summer Fair

After a trip to see my friend Baby Max, Mommy & Daddy took me to the Danbury fair. I remain obsessed with Ferris Wheels, but on this hot and sunny day we stuck to the antique cars and carousel. Summer is finally here.

July 4 in Wilton

Had a fun 4th of July weekend. We went over to my friend Noa's house and played on her swings!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.