Monday, August 24, 2009

Breakthrough - Out of the crib

This morning I was getting dressed, Emily was in the shower, and Trevor started a typical singsong "Mooo-mmmy" from his crib in his room. I heard a bump, which was not too loud, and sounded like he was moving around in the crib. But then his bedroom door opened.

He was sitting in his "snuggle corner" reaching to open the door. He was with the "guys" with a paci in his mouth holding a book, having just alighted from his crib for the first time.

"Read a book," he said as I walked into the room.

"How did you get into the snuggle corner?" I asked.

He said simply, "climbed down from the crib."


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Singing Happy Birthday

Singing "Happy Birthday." Under a table. With a microphone. Over and over.

Swimming in my birthday suit

Tasteful, morning, refreshing.

Feeding the Ducks

Had fun feeding the ducks with Grandma.

Skaneateles Summer 2009

Had a great week in Skaneateles, where Mommy and Daddy got hitched and Grandma grew up. I swam and swam and swam. Love the lot, with its many wonderful rocks. I drove the boat. I slept in a tent. I survived the rain. I made "bean salad" in the gravel over and over again. Grandma and Annie are still my favorites.

Toothbrush Face

Mommy taught me how to show my teeth for proper brushing. Now I think it is hilarious.

Delaware Beach 2009

We went to the beach in Delaware with all my Galligan-side cousins. Had a lot of fun on the beach, in the oceans, and running after all the KIDS!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.