Thursday, January 28, 2010

All Aboard

I went to story time at the museum with Mommy. The story was about a train and then we made these unbelievable hats. Now I am a train engineer. Toot toot!

Ben's Birthday Party

We went to an incredible indoor playground for my friend Ben's birthday. I had a blast running around -- and making Daddy and Mommy run around. I want to build one of these three-story playspaces in our house.

Cole, Caroline and Trevor

Aunt Annie's House

With my four cousins Katherine, Christopher, Caroline and Cole, Aunt Annie and Uncle Mark, and Coco in the mix, there is always alot going on at the Puccini's... We had so much fun.

Happy 70th Grandaddy!

We went down to Maryland for a long weekend. We stayed with Aunt Annie and Uncle Mark and all of my Puccini cousins. We also went to Hagerstown to Grandaddy's 70th birthday party. It was so much fun. I won over so many of the ladies with a few versions of "You Are My Sunshine." I really like parties, and I love Grandaddy, so this was a great time!

Night snowing

Daddy wants me to take the snow OFF the driveway. Much more fun to put it ON the driveway.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Little House

They are not dolls, they are action figures. And I love them.

2010 - The Year of the Dockworker

Christmas 2009 in Rochester

We went to Grandma's house in Rochester for Christmas and as usual, I had a lot of fun with Grandma. My cousins were there too and we had a blast. I was on the lookout for Santa and left him cookies on Christmas eve (with carrots for the reindeer). I got some great presents on Christmas morning, including a keyboard for composing my heart-felt tunes. All in all it felt like a very musical holiday. It will be our last holiday in Rochester, because Grandma is moving -- to North Carolina!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bobby Bare, Jr.

Trevor has a new favorite song that likely many of his peers have not heard. It is Bobby Bare Jr.'s "Terrible Sunrise." It is a cheerless little ditty about a strained relationship and the problems of drug addiction. But the guitar is catchy, and that drum part at the end gets us every time! Trevor heard it in the car one day and now demands it all the time (we call it the "Sad Song"). It is a short two-minute song and he looks forward to playing along with the drums at the end of the song (swinging his little hands in the car seat and hitting his knees).

He has heard the song over and over, so we should not have been surprised this week when he started singing the lyrics on his own. But we were. The boy likes to sing what can I say?

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.