Saturday, March 27, 2010

Magic Markers

I am on a big drawing kick lately. I like to use my new markers and make big drawings. I have been focused largely on drawing cows and birthday cakes these days. Colors are very important.

Trucks, Trucks, Trucks

We went to the "Touch a Truck" benefit in Westport today. Ohmygosh! Trucks ev-ree-where. I got to "drive" a bunch of them, took a train ride or two with Daddy, and even did the moon bounce. Some of my friends showed up, too! I saw Ben, I saw Baby Max, and Jade, Max and Rogan were there.

I can't stop talking about it. What a fun day.

Me and Violet

I have been lucky enough to go to the museum a lot lately with my friend Violet.

A Day in NYC

Had a fun sunny day in NYC with Mommy and Daddy. We walked around SoHo and then went uptown to my friends' Elyssa and Lili's apartment to play. NYC is fun. Lots of dogs, trucks, and people to check out.

Me and my Buddy Max

Big Boy Underpants

Kind of a funny thing. I was so excited to wear my Big Bird underpants the other day that I demanded that Mommy take a pic. Don't mock if you don't understand. I look good in these babies...

Curious George

Big News. Picture in your mind your favorite rock star, favorite actor, favorite sports star, favorite celebrity. Maybe a Beatle? Now picture MEETING that person.

Or Monkey.

It was INCREDIBLE. I was so excited, I could not believe my eyes.
I had the idea on the way that I should have something, a small offering, for my friend George. So Mommy stopped and we bought a single banana. He ate it all up!
Thanks Mommy!


Forgot to mention that Mommy and Daddy took me to the Catskills to see my friend Phoebe (and her parents) a few weeks ago. We had a good time playing with Phoebe's toys and reading her books. Her dog Norm was around too, though I was not too sure about him.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

We had a great St. Patrick's Day in Wilton. We all wore our green! Mommy got a green bagel for me and Daddy to split for breakfast. I got a little bit in my teeth. Then we had a fun day at the museum with Mommy and some friends. Later, we did some yard work. I am very dedicated to stick-pick-up these days now that the snow has melted. Once Daddy got home, after dinner, we played in our green outfits. HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gigi and Grandaddy in Wilton

I haven't quite figured out the camera, so no photos, but I just had Gigi and Grandaddy stay with me, alone, for four nights at my house! Mommy and Daddy went to California to see Chip get married and drink some wine, and I got to play and play and play with Gigi and Grandaddy. We had a blast. They took good care of me, read me lots of stories and played all of my games with me. I showed Grandaddy how to work my noise machine and told him all about penguins. We went to Aunt Jeanne's and Uncle Mac's for Sophia's butterfly birthday party too, which was great. I got to eat a hot dog for the first time and, of course, cake. Who would have thought that nutritionist Aunt Jeanne, of all people, would feed me my first hot dog? Gigi called that "irony."

It was great to have them in Wilton and I hope they come back soon. But they sure looked tired when they left!


Grandma got me a keyboard for Christmas and I am really getting the hang of it. I "play" songs and sing into the microphone. I will have her to thank when I am famous.


In one of my favorite books, Curious George makes pancakes. Sometimes on the weekends, Daddy and I make pancakes too. I fetch my stool and bring it into the kitchen. My main responsibility is to mix the batter with the whisk. "Mix" and "Whisk" are fun words to say over and over. Of course, then we get to eat the pancakes which is also fun.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.