Friday, April 30, 2010

Back at the Farm

Fun Friday lunch at the Farm with Sophia, Aunt Jeanne, Mommy and Daddy today. The big pig is still my favorite animal.

I love chasing after Sophia and we have a lot of fun together, but what I want to know is WHEN CAN I DRIVE THE TRACTOR!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sam the Dog

We had a visitor at our house for a few nights this week: Sam the Dog. Unfortunately, Sam made Daddy and me a little "sick" -- we are allergic. After the doctor confirmed that I was allergic, Mommy and I had to take Sam back to his other owner. He is a good boy, and I had fun with him, even if he grabbed some of my stuffed animals sometimes.

Bye bye, Sam.


I usually start a little skeptical, but Mommy's getting pretty good at this. Add a little Sesame Street on Youtube and I am interested...

I wash my hands

I really like foamy soap. So I am getting pretty good at washing my hands.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Raining Pigs and Cows

It was a rainy weekend, but Mommy and Daddy took me to a parade of little farm animals! I got to pet a baby cow and see the baby sheep and goat. There were some big animals walking around, too (perhaps grow-ups dressed up?) and I gave the cow a high five. But the Gorilla was a little "scared." When I was allowed to pick one animal hat, I did not hesitate. Went right for the pig visor.

Once we got home I pulled the pig visor over my eyes and walked around blindfolded. Found that very funny. Until I started hitting the furniture...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Grander and More Wonderful Day

One more clip worth sharing. This time I was playing my guitar and singing "The Grand and Wonderful Day." But I decided to put it to the tune of "Farmer in the Dell." I wanted to make the song my own.

Grand and Wonderful Day

We went to the Annual Wilton Library Book Sale and found (along with many other books) a Winnie the Pooh book called "The Grand and Wonderful Day."

It moved me to song, plain and simple. And when I get a song in my head, it goes to my heart and I have to BELT it out! Just me, no shirt, back of the couch, singing from the heart into my push-broom.

Oh yeah, and Daddy's name is Mike. I heard Mommy calls him that. Hilarious!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunny Day

Daddy got out the hose when we had a hot day.
Hose = water spray = FUN!

Tarrytown Egg Hunt

Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Mac held their annual Easter Egg hunt. We had a gorgeous sunny day and I found a bunch of eggs. A lot of kids came over, which was fun. There were some giant eggs in the lawn and we all rolled them down the hull over and over in a fun game. After the party, we spent the day in the yard and played in the sunshine.

Did you know the eggs have little treats inside!? My favorite part.

Easter Eggs

Mommy and Daddy showed me how to die eggs to get ready for Easter. We had a lot of fun. Colors, colors, colors!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.