Monday, September 27, 2010

Sesame Place

We went to Sesame Place in PA with my friend Phoebe and her parents Raphael and "Melon" Melanie. Fun to stay in a hotel room with Mommy and Daddy, I particularly enjoyed the ice machine in the hall and pressing the elevator buttons. It was a "Sun-ny Day" chasing the clouds away when we went across the street to --- SESAME PLACE! All the guys were there (well, we did not see Snuffy, just pictures of him). I got to see and meet/high five/fist bump Big Bird and Count and Elmo and Bert and Ernie and Zoe and Abby and Baby Bear and Oscar and Cookie and Grover and Prairie Dawn.

It was incredible. There were rides and treats and a water slide. We did a long, hot full day of park madness on Saturday. Sunday we lasted less than two hours under cloudy skies and drizzle.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fish Party

Some of my friends came over this weekend to celebrate my birthday with me. It was a fish party with a bouncy house. Everyone loves a bouncy house, turns out. And cake. Thanks Mommy and Daddy!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Twinkle Twinkle

Singing with my cousins on a stone wall at their house. Playing my air guitar, rocking out.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I turned THREE today. THREE.

I took cupcakes to my new school to share with my new friends. Then Mommy cooked the dinner I requested and we had a fun dinner -- with presents -- and brownies!

Monday, September 6, 2010

New School, New Haircut

September is here, and I am starting at Community Nursery School of Wilton this week. Time for a hair cut.


My bed for three weeks. I appear none the worse for wear...


While we were at the lake in Skaneateles for a week, we were getting our house painted in Wilton. Nelson and his crew had to scrape and sand, scape and sand, and then prime the house. To keep me and my little sister in Mommy's belly safe, we wanted to stay out of the house until the priming was finished. Little did we know we would be out of the house for THREE WEEKS! Skaneateles for a week, the Puccini's in New Canaan (MarMar and PopPop) for a week, and then Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Mac's for a week. A LONG TIME away, but the house looks great.

Mommy & Daddy

Shout out to the parents...

My new friend Vivian

Daddy's friend Jesse came to the lake with his daughter Vivian. She is my new friend and we had a blast.

Skaneateles Lake 2010


Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.