Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 2011

Lots and lots of snow for the beginning of 2011. We had a big blizzard after Christmas and then another six inches or so on January 7. Now, for January 12, they are calling for over a foot. We have done a lot of sledding and other snow play, including an entire family of snow people. Trevor likes to build snow "patterns." Still have not figured out what those are. With the first snow we had a great sledding party with Dahlia (and Stephanie) and Mason (and Paul) coming over for some fun. Even Matt, Jared and Jayden from across the street came over. Then the Wagshals came over this past weekend and Trevor had a blast in the snow with those girls.

With the snow we have had a lot of fires in the fireplace, which has made for a cozy winter and a cozy intro to the family for Avery.

Trev likes to gaze into the fire. When he is sleepy.

Avery's First Bath in the Tub

In the big tub for the big gieel (Trevor still pronounces "girl" as "gieel" and it will kill his parents the day he does not).

New Hat and Scarf

Mommy had enough and ordered me a new hat and scarf. Not after I made it VERY clear that the only hat going on this head was going to be LIGHT blue. She got the message. I think she nailed it, really.

Superhero Party

My friend Conor had his birthday party this past weekend -- Superheroes! So Mommy secured me a red cape, and Daddy helped me make an awesome mask and off we went... Turns out I was the only one to really embrace the theme, however, and the "project" at the party was for everyone to make a cape at the party. But I was feeling pretty Super by this point, so I went with it and ran through the party in full costume to kick things off. Pretty good stuff.

Cousin Charlie

Daddy's cousin Charlie Galligan popped in for a quick visit. Funny guy, that Chas.

Avery in the Chair

Despite what Trevor insists, that "Avery does not like the maa-ssage, Daddy!" Avery does, in fact, like the vibrating music bouncy seat chair. Knocks her out. As do most things. She enjoys her sleep, this one. Or, as Trevor has told several people when asked about his little sister, "she sleeps alot." There you have it.

Haircut by a Pro

Back in December Trevor got his first haircut by a professional. Up until this point, Mommy has done a really great job of making a garbage bag smock and grooming him. But with Avery on the scene, we went to "Snip Snaps" in Wilton, which boasts race car chairs, cartoons, and an attached toy store alcove. All the things you need for a good haircut...

Happy New Year!

We rang in 2011 at our friends the Shubkegels' house. Josh and Joanna have three kids, including David who is one of Trevor's friends from school. It was Avery's first social event and she was a star. Great party, lots of dress up, running children and balloons falling from the ceiling at the stroke of...9PM.

Happy New Year!

Trev was a fireman in a mask for the balloon drop. At one point in the night he was wearing a Chicago Bears helmet. Awesome.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.