Gigi and Grandaddy came to Aunt Jeanne's house for Easter, and we spent the night too. I slept in Griffin's room and Avery slept with Mommy and Daddy in Sophia's room. Lots of fun playing with my cousins! We went to Stone Barns to see the farm animals and walk around, which was great. Gig and Grandaddy definitely wanted to spend time with little A. She is very soft and smushy.
Aunt Jeanne hosted her annual (final?) Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday before Easter. It poured down rain. The kids and the Daddys and the umbrellas did not seem to mind. I got some eggs. Griffin got more.
I had my friend Lia over for a playdate. I finally talked her into doing a show with me. We dabble in some progressive rock in our shows. Something between Kraftwerk and the Talking Heads? I use the vacuum cleaner as a baseline, with the harmonica and the guitar carrying the tune. Good times.
Avery was introduced to baby food carrots. In a bit of a surprise, it did not take. We are thinking that it probably will take eventually. Probably soon.
I really like food. And I really like to help cook food. I can carry a chair over to the counter and chop, stir and mix. Could be a career for me. Or I could at least teach Daddy how to cook...