Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

We had a fun day outside on Memorial Day. Aunt Jeanne, Uncle Mac, Griffin and Sophia and all of the Lowes came over for a BBQ. Blow-up pool, scavenger hunt, BBQ, bubbles, good times...


In the brown chair at six months. Unbelievable.

Avery likes books

They taste good.

Tree Frog

So, no kids in these pics, just a crazy tree frog that slurped onto the side of the house the other night. Life in the woods...

Spring Flowers

After weeks of rain in May, some extraordinary flowers came up in the rock garden. Trev particularly liked the purple puffball.

Big Brother

Trevor continues to take his role as big brother pretty seriously. And he likes to tickle Little A. Every few days he confirms that he is older than Avery. We assure him that he will be -- forever.

Sit Up

People always ask, "what is Avery doing these days, can she sit up?" Yes, prior to six months. Like a weeble wobble. Solid.

Avery's Smiles

Avery is such a smiley kid. She has had some sickness, some sniffles, and some ear infections. But it is hard to tell with all the smiles!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.