Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Avery speaks!

Delinquent with some photos in the chronology right now, but wanted to mark Avery's accomplishment. Yesterday advanced from her normal shrieking bird-like calls and she said "Dada" (well, she said dadadadada) for the first time. Which of course sounded exactly like "Daddy!" Mommy and Trevor called Daddy at work with the news. And Avery performed over the phone.

Leaps and bounds, leaps and bounds...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blue Hat

Daddy and the Kids

Daddy's cup runneth over with children love...

Avery and Solid Food

The relationship is progressing nicely. Avery is enjoying her mealtimes, messy as they may be.

Feel the Love

No. Really FEEL it. Or I will squeeze it into you.

CNSW - Year 1

Trevor had an incredible year at Community Nursery School of Wilton. We all did. All of us are very happy we are part of the that community of families. June School was two weeks of extra fun at the tail end of the year. Here is our parting shot for 2010-2011.

Sunshine in the Sunroom

Avery remains smiley and happy, fascinated and in love with her big brother, and generally a joy to be around. She likes the summer fashions as well...

Bronx Zoo

In June we went to the Bronx Zoo with Elizabeth and Bridget Doherty. First ride in the double stroller, which was a hit. Elephants were my favorite animals...

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.