Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Beach in the Evening 2011

Nothing like the beach after dinner, with a kite and some cousins.

Gigi stacks 'em, Avery knocks 'em down

Avery had lots of fun with Gigi at the beach. Mostly on the floor.

8 Months!

Had to use a stand-in chair at the beach for the 8 month shot...

Cat in the Hat

Rehoboth Beach 2011

Gigi and Grandaddy rented an amazing new house this year and we had great weather for the beach! Trevor followed Sophia around, pretty much the entire week. We swam, we did Funland (had a little mishap there on the climbing gym -- we ended up pantsless in the men's room, singing and dancing on the changing table, as daddy dried some shorts in the hand-dryer -- daddy was so proud) some friend seafood, and flying the kite on the beach in the evening! Avery spend a lot of time rolling around on the rug in the house. Trying to crawl, but not quite there. Lots of stacking cups with Gigi. Great times with all of the cousins and family, family, family.


July brings...a swingset! A shot of the yard and the house before the swingset arrives in the UHaul from Ridgefield via craig'slist and UHaul. Some of the Wilton Adult basketball squad helped Daddy unload that sucker...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fourth of July

Nice time in Wilton for the Fourth of July with some families from CNSW. We had a lovely picnic, bands played on the field and then, after sundown, Trev and Daddy saw an impressive fireworks display. Mommy and Avery had to call it a night before the show.

Tag 'Em

Avery enjoys tags of all shapes and sizes...

Avery 7 months

Back in the chair for month 7.

Quogue 2011

Had a great time in late June in Quogue with the Wagshals. Beach, pool and backyard fun!


Some shots of Trevor running in the grass. With a rogue alligator...

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.