Monday, December 17, 2012

Trevor on the court

Saturday morning tennis with Coach Michael.  "Trev, don't get caught snoozin!!"  Hilarity at the Y, and a solid volleyer is Trev.


Avery continues to master the art of the spoon feed...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Back on the ice

Like, literally, SPRAWLED on the ice most of the afternoon Sunday in Ridgefield.  "Daddy, it's hard."  Not nearly as hard as scooping you up off the ice!  We are making slow progress as we regain confidence on skates this winter.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Birthday Tutu

Avery received many lovely birthday presents.  Early indicators show the tutu(s) to be the favorite.  Wearing a tutu over pajamas is not something you see everyday at 6:45AM.

Shows, shows, shows

Trevor's bedtime theater continues.  With the holidays approaching, we have a host of new material for shows.  Last night, we got a version of a Charlie Brown Christmas.  Last week, we got the first of (I am sure) several Santa shows for the season.  Many props and costumes...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Avery is 2!

Happy Birthday to Avery.  She got a shopping cart, a "computer' a few baby dolls, squeaky shoes, and an EAR INFECTION!.  Mommy also got sick, Daddy got a work promotion, and Trevor got a chance to handle some moments where he had to share the spotlight.  Happy Birthday Avery!

Avery pre-birthday

Avery closing in on 2 while we were with family for Thanksgiving.

NC Playground

Avery enjoying her time in the South.

Thanksgiving in NC

Had a great trip to Uncle Warren and Aunt Julie's in NC.  We ran the Carrboro Gobble and Gorge (Trev ran the Little Turkey) and had a great time enjoying family time.  Avery was not so sure about the dude dressed up like a turkey...

Bronx Zoo

Insect Merry-Go-Round at the Bronx Zoo!  Good times!

First Snow of the Season

And right after Sandy, we got six inches of snow!!

"Super" Storm Sandy

October 29, 2012, hurricane met nor'easter and Sandy hit the area hard.  Wilton lost a lot of trees, and lost power around 5:30PM that Monday evening.  The Galligans got power back Friday evening around 7PM.  Lots of suffering in NY, NJ, CT and elsewhere, awful, awful storm.  We had an interesting week of eating in town, and nights by the fire.  Some time at the library, some time at the soft gym at the Y.  Trevor also gave a few weather reports as shows as a result.

Halloween 2012

Annual in-Town trick or treat.  Had a great time with the Alvarez family, and saw lots of friends.  Trevor was a scary blue monster and Avery was a cupcake.

Team Germany Soccer

Wound down a great season for Team Germany.  Daddy and Coach Kevin were great and my new friends Grewha, Cael, James, Charlie, Connor and Conor were all good teammates.  We won some and lost some, but we had a great time and were getting better and better.  Personally, I tried hard.  I went from scoring an "own goal" by mistake against Mexico, scoring a good goal in the shorthanded game against Japan, and scoring a honest-to-goodness legit tally against Spain the in the finale.  Hustle play, power through the defense  -- my signature move!

Pumpkin Carving

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


We have the bedtime ritual down pretty well right now.  Common bath, Avery gets books and milk and bed.  Trevor gets some longer books and bed.  But since he his learning so much at school, he wanted to try his hand at reading to Avery the other night, which was pretty darn cute.

Apple Picking

Out on the sloping orchard fields on a sunny day in September!  Not the best gala apples ever, but a fun day.

Autumn Outing 2012

For apple picking 2012, we eschewed Blue Bird this year in favor of Silverman's in Easton.  And we gained: a petting zoo!  We joined the crowds, but had a good time nonetheless.

Country Girl

Little cat in the hat.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012


Avery is a whirlwind of activity these days.  Loves her shoes, loves to chat, and always wants to "doe" somewhere - anywhere - "Ianndoe..."  Means I want to go.

First Friday Dress Uniform

Like generations of men before him, Trevor is less than excited about putting on a tie for school and First Friday mass.  So handsome!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.