Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lake Shots

Contemplative children by the lakeside.


Our Lady of Fatima, Trevor.  Trevor, Our Lady of Fatima.  Trevor started Kindergarten today.  For the first time, the Kindergarteners are wearing the uniform at OLF.  Pretty sharp.

Skaneateles 2012

Great times at the lake with Grandma ("Meema?") and the rest of the extended Grill/Carson clan.  Lots of swimming, sleeping in the tent (including naps) and rides on various boats.  Duck Town was open for business with Celia.  There was buried treasure and lots of birds to watch and point out.  Trevor took his first tube rides, bookended by patient cousins.  Avery threw her share of rocks and enjoyed being launched by Daddy.

Monday, August 27, 2012

New Couch

Blue couch.

Little chef

Avery still loves her little kitchen.  Cook em up.

THANK YOU to Gigi and Grand Daddy

Another fun year at the beach.  Thanks to Gigi and Grand Daddy!  When we told Avery that we could only stay for the week, she got very upset.

Vacation Exhaustion

Had an awesome morning at the water park -- and then sacked out on the couch with Daddy.  For 2 hours in the middle of the afternoon.

Everybody JUMP!

Grand Daddy and the Galligan cousins

A fine bunch up on the chair.

The Beach

You know, the beach during the day is a lot of fun.  The waves, the sand, games and digging.  The beach in the evening can be very relaxing.  Avery did not like it on this particular evening...

Cousins - we got 'em.

Little Boats

We gave Avery the go-ahead to ride the little boats by herself.  She took interest in diving into the water once the boats starting going around in the circle.  So the nice Russian college student operating the ride performed a death-defying rescue.  Impressive, Avery.

Rehoboth 2012 - Funland

Funland on the boardwalk comes by its name honestly.  Great rides and thrills.

Avery was introduced into the Fun.  Including the Swing Ride.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Lots of time in the driveway driving cars and bikes, drawing with chalk, chasing bubbles, and splashing water around.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Avery and the sink

One of Avery's favorite places is the powder room.  More specifically the sink.  Fun to play with water!!

Quogue Weekend

In late June we were invited again out to the Wagshal's house in Quogue.  Avery was in her glory.  All the kids had a ball in the pool, on the slip and slide, and there was a fantastic show down in the basement, complete with costumes and instruments.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.