Monday, December 17, 2012

Trevor on the court

Saturday morning tennis with Coach Michael.  "Trev, don't get caught snoozin!!"  Hilarity at the Y, and a solid volleyer is Trev.


Avery continues to master the art of the spoon feed...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Back on the ice

Like, literally, SPRAWLED on the ice most of the afternoon Sunday in Ridgefield.  "Daddy, it's hard."  Not nearly as hard as scooping you up off the ice!  We are making slow progress as we regain confidence on skates this winter.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Birthday Tutu

Avery received many lovely birthday presents.  Early indicators show the tutu(s) to be the favorite.  Wearing a tutu over pajamas is not something you see everyday at 6:45AM.

Shows, shows, shows

Trevor's bedtime theater continues.  With the holidays approaching, we have a host of new material for shows.  Last night, we got a version of a Charlie Brown Christmas.  Last week, we got the first of (I am sure) several Santa shows for the season.  Many props and costumes...

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.