Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gate Hat

On this day, Daddy's hat became Avery's hat.  Watching Trevor's class at the Y...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Disney on Ice

Caught the show in Bridgeport.  Fun time!  Great merchandise!

Hulda Hill Dream Spa and Salon

Avery and Trevor love to "style" Mommy's long hair.  They use the spray bottle and combs and clips.  It is pretty hilarious.

Busy at work

Trevor is constantly writing and creating.  Sometime with magical tools...

Snowman Family

We got some snow after Christmas, and then a cold snap.  So the snow has lingered for a while.  So we built a snow family.

Avery Wings

Avery got some cute fairy wings!

Trevor on the Slopes

Trevor and Daddy took Trevor on his first ski adventure to Woodbury ski mountain in CT.  Perfect little place, had a good lesson with Lucio from Argentina and then a few runs with Daddy off the magic carpet.  On the way home we hit the diner for lunch.


We went over to the Lowes for New Years Eve, which was a ton of fun skating and playing with Jade, Max, Rogan and Calvyn.  Lit wish candles and blew out the noise at "midnight" out in the snowy yard.

Snow Bunny


Trevor's favorite gift seems to be the guitar he received from Mommy and Daddy.  He plays it constantly.

Butterfly Coat

Words are coming pretty fast and furious these days for Avery.  And she looks darn cute in her butterfly coat and purple hat.

Christmas Morning

A few weeks before Christmas, Trevor came to Daddy and said he wanted to get a present for Mommy.  After a few days, he decided on a necklace.  Mommy and Daddy coordinated, and Trevor and Daddy went to Wilton Jewelers.  Before we left, Trevor ran to his piggy bank and got some money to "buy" Mommy's gift.  When the lady at the Jewelers asked if the money was from his piggy bank, Trev responded, "no, it is from my pumpkin bank!"  When the time came Christmas morning, Trevor was so excited to gift it to Mommy.  Very cute.

Christmas 2012

Christmastime in Washington

Like the old Steve Earle song, we headed down the suburban DC for Christmas at Aunt Annie and Uncle Mark's house in Potomac.  One morning we grabbed cousin Cole and headed into the District.  We saw the White House, the National Christmas tree and all of the state trees.

Avery's Cake

Have to look back at Avery's birthday cake.

Front Page News

We visited Santa at the Wilton Library (and saw him later at Ambler Farm) in the weeks before Christmas.  Trevor was so photogenic with St. Nick, that he made the front page of the Wilton Bulletin.

Trevor was a little embarrassed by the attention at school.  The week after, when the front page had changed, Trevor walked past a newspaper machine at the Y and signed, "thank goodness I am not on the front page anymore!"

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.