Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Lots of activity at school and home for Valentine's Day.  Trevor decorated a "mailbox" and received some lovely, candy-filled notes from his classmates.  Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a quiet home cooked dinner - restaurant quality - and Avery walked around talking and looking cute.  Trevor brought home this little number for his parents.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Avery ABCs

Our little girls is talking up a storm, repeating and offering many many words, counting (skipping the number 10, mysteriously) and yes, singing the "ABCs" or at least a version.

Future Falcons Hoops

Trevor's first game on a basketball court.  Complete with player introductions...

Avery Boxed In

Nothing better than a box.

Billy Goats Gruff

Trevor got one of his wishes and made his debut on a big stage.  He was in Crystal Theater's "Billy Goats Gruff" production.  Gigi and Grandaddy and the McLaurins all were in attendance and Trevor (as a "Big" Billy Goat) was tremendous.  His costume was perfect, his singing on tune, and his facial expressions were outstanding.  Surprise!  Fear!  Laughter!  Bravo!!

After the show Trevor was beaming, the songs still dancing in everyone's head and Avery asked what might have been on everyone's mind while pointing at Trev, "Who's that??"

A triumphant beginning to what is hopefully a life long love of the theater.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.