Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 4th in Wilton

Great time at the Wilton town picnic and fireworks.  Trevor had a blast with Ari and Sienna.  Avery had a great time at the picnic.  Once the fireworks started, Avery realized she was not a big fan, Avery and Daddy spent the fireworks display in the car, in the AC, listening to the radio.  Avery was "cying because it was a little caary!"  Maybe next year.  Trevor told us that from the time he was 2 until he was 4 he thought fireworks were actually Santa's footsteps in the sky.  Which is an awesome thought.

Earlier in the day we sang "Happy Birthday America!"


Well, after a year that flew by, Trevor graduated from Fatima K, June 18.  Ms. F capped off a great year with an outstanding, and extended, graduation program.  Lots of great songs and dancing.  Trevor was proud, up there with his friends.  And he does love a stage...

Maisy at Stepping Stones

Maisy was starring at story night at Stepping Stones museum.  We had a fun night, saw the story, met Maisy, and really enjoyed lots of the museum.  Trevor learned Dinosaurs, Avery spent a lot of time shopping for groceries.

Ya Ya Bim

Avery has had a great year with large motor skills at Little Gym in Ridgefield.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Final Fatima Uniform Day

What a fantastic K year!  Ms. F was a dedicated and caring teacher and did a really great job with the class.  Trevor made some good friends and learned a lot.  10 girls and 3 boys was an interesting way to go, but Trev seemed to enjoy it!

Father's Day, Calf Pasture Beach

We had a great Father's Day with a lovely french toast breakfast, signage, cards, gifts and -- an original song with Trevor on guitar!  We spent the morning at the beach in Norwalk, which was great.  Avery sacked out on the way home.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.