Saturday, August 31, 2013

Crowded Crib

Avery is a big fan of trucks and cars -- more so than her brother ever was.  She is also a fan of packing stuff into the crib.  Bad combination...

First Day of School!

Trevor is on the bus!  Bus 19, with Sienna, Mick, Grace, Riley, and some other familiar faces made the first day of Miller Driscoll Kindergarten a little easier.  Mrs. Maxwell is the teacher, and "old" Kate is in the class, Caterpillar Cottage S-4.  Big school, big change, but so far so good!  Avery is taking it all in...


Happy Sixth Birthday!  Camping theme in the yard.  Three tents, s'mores, tent pinyata, and a movie under the stars.  Good times, good theme, and good night.  Cousins slept over as an added bonus.

Party Prep!

It remains the case that Trevor seems to enjoy PLANNING a party more than actually participating in a party.  For his 6th birthday, we hosted a party at the house for 18 kids, with a theme of CAMPING.  Trevor had lots of ideas, including some decorations with a camping theme, "laminated" with scotch tape, stuck to the windows of the living room.  He hung them himself.  Avery supported.

Bubble Dress!

Mommy's Birthday

Happy Birthday Mommy!  Fun breakfast and presents and then a grown-up dinner for Mommy and Daddy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summer Fun

Mommy and Daddy have been marveling at the amazing summer we (especially Trevor) are having.  Lots of great camps -- golf, soccer, vacation bible, swimming -- lots of great play time with cousins, old friends (Conor, Ari), new friends (Harleys, Dunbars) and neighbors (Sienna).  The Sienna time even spawed Trevor's first ever sleepover Thursday night!  These two have put on innumerable shows this summer, played for hours outside, and even have spoken across the street via walkie-talkie.  Nothing like long summer evenings playing in the yard.

Great stuff!

Mall Bounce

Residual Beach Pics

Avery had a great week at the beach.  She let Mommy and Daddy have some quiet time in the afternoons during the nap period as well -- which was nice.  The whole thing was exhausting and when we decided on the evening departure so Daddy could get home for his long swim -- Avery was asleep before we were on Rte 1 out of Rehoboth Beach.  Yay Summer!

Dora at the Aquarium

Guess who we saw at the Maritime Aquarium??  Avery was excited to see Dora.  See.  Not touch.  Or pose with.  We played with the merkeets and loved the sea lions!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bridgeport Minor League Ball

Front row behind the dugout.  Pictures with BB the mascot, baseballs flipped to us by the players later autographed by BB himself!  Good times at the ballpark with Conor and his Daddy.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Rehoboth 2013

Roll right down the coast to Delaware.  Had a fun night at the Harley's in Paoli and then hit the beach in Rehoboth. Avery -- not a fan of big family photos.  Trevor had a big summer - boogie boading the big waves, arcade and mini-golf on our only rainy day, and riding EVERY slide at Jungle Jims.  Great times with all the Galligan/McLaurin/Puccini/Rosini cousins.

Thanks for another amazing summer trip, Gigi an Grandaddy!

At the Lake

Life is good.

Skaneateles 2013

We were not able to go for the whole week this year, but we camped for four nights and had a blast on the lake!  The weather cooperated and we had hot days and lovely nights.  Lots of fishing this year - Trevor coming down from the tent in his PJs and wordlessly grabbing his rod and hitting the dock.  Lots of swimming and jumping off the dock.  Lots of time on Uncle Ben's fun new retro ski boat.  And cousins cousins cousins!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.