Monday, September 30, 2013

Avery on the Trail

Avery's first trip to Town Forest where she walked under her own power.  She took the magnifying glass and looked at many "very interesting" leaves, and rocks, and trees, and plants.  But the bridge was really the attraction.  It reminded her of the dock in Skaneateles - and rightly so.  "I'm not gonna fall off, Daddy," she promised.  Great weekend the last weekend of September!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Avery off to School

Avery started the 3-day-3s at the YMCA this Monday!  She is pretty excited about her new backpack, playing with new friends, and all of the great toys in the classroom.

She is also getting better at posing for photos.

Trevor is REALLY 6.

Official Birthday arrived 2 weeks after the camping party.  We had a great morning breakfast with some fun presents (scooter, volcano, guitar stand) and then we hit the road to the Bronx.  Perfect weather day at the Bronx Zoo with the Dohertys, which is always a good time.  Crowd favorites on this day were the rhino, the elephants, the giraffes, and the Timar??  Then home for homemade pizza, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and lots of calls from family!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREVOR.

Touch A Truck!!

First weekend in September, first soccer game with TEAM GALAXY, and Avery's first touch a truck event.  What a Saturday...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Big Girl Bed

The crib was too crowded, so now Avery got her own big girl bed.  She can stretch out, she can relax.  SHE CAN GET OUT BY HERSELF.  Welcome to a whole new world, for everyone.  The pidder-padder of little feet into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom in the morning has returned.  With new feet.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.