Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Avery at the North Pole

We hit the amazing Norwalk "North Pole" light show this year. 135,000 lights.  Wowsers.

Avery Brewing Company

Not that we encourage it, but if Avery ever needs a job, later in life, and wants to work in the beverage industry, I think I have an idea...

In Colorado.

Christmas Tree 2013

And what a lovely tree it was...

Cooking up a storm

Trevor continues to enjoy life in the kitchen -- and the resulting pancakes, eggs, egg-in-a-hole, meatballs and (pictured) his patented French Toast.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Grandma and Tree Trimming

Great times with Grandma as we trimmed the tree!

Kitty Cat Cake

Avery's Party!

Avery had a few friends over -- Kevin, Phoebe and Lily with Trevor and Sienna chaperoning.

Avery's Birthday Continued

The birthday was on Thanksgiving.  Grandma came for a visit.  And then we had a little party on Sunday.  This birthday just went on and on and on...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Avery is 3

Thanksgiving and NYC and Gig and Grandaddy and Grandma's visit all surrounded the all-important third birthday.  We celebrated on Thanksgiving Day in Tarrytown with the McLaurins and Gigi and Grandaddy and an ice cream cake!  Then we had a little party on Sunday with a few friends - Phoebe, Kevin and Lily with Trevor and Sienna acting as coordinators.  Finally, cupcakes in class on Monday.  Three celebrations for the three birthday -- seems about right.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.