Thursday, January 30, 2014


Some good revelations from Trevor recently.

When he was "little" he thought a small man lived inside the walls near the automatic doors at Stop and Shop and opened the doors when someone approached.  He also revealed that when he was 2 he took a taste of his poop to see what all the fuss was about.  So there you have it...

Fitness Fun Night

Daddy volunteered and Trevor got to play for team orange at the Miller-Driscoll Fitness Fun Night.  A real adventure to be at the school after hours.  Daddy's tug-of-war station was a hit.  Trevor's favorites were the obstacle course and the scooter races.

Stone Soup

Trevor's third play (lifetime) and first of 2014 was held on January 25 at Crystal Theater: Stone Soup.  Trevor was a soldier and did a fantastic job with his line: "We are soldiers, back from war," and all the songs.  Fun snowy night at the theater.

Homework Help

Avery has homework in 2014!  And Trevor is jealous.  So he gave a hand with the first assignment.  Avery has also taken to wearing her headband like she is an original cast member from "Hair, the Musical."  Which is awesome.

Cousin Sleep Over

We went to Tarrytown for a Sunday night party.  The grown ups went to see Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt and drank beer.  Mommy stayed home because she was battling a headache.  We got to have a sleepover with Griffin and Sophia!  Boys with boys and girls with girls.  Patch slept over by Thomas the turtle.  Good times!

Train Show

The Great Wilton Train Show 2014 did not disappoint.  Still many buttons to push, lights to turn on, little engineer guys popping out of buildings (Trevor's favorite) and other stuff at the Historical Society.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

In the pool...

Avery's class at the Y has started swimming!  Very exciting and very fun.  With her pink noodle, Avery was apparently adventurous and off on her own exploring and splashing.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Avery the Prima Ballerina

Avery had her first-ever dance class today and took it by storm.  All the class regulars were in baby blue leotards and white tights.  Avery sported a pink "ballerina dress" and proceeded to smile and twirl her way around the class.  She was sooo happy! 

Daddy and Trevor got to observe a bit of the class as we swung by on our way to Trevor's hockey class.

Trevor is confident

Stumbled across this piece of paper cleaning up the art room/dining room last night.  Trevor's ego is intact -- and rock solid.  Love it!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Avery Channeling Neil Young, 1970...

Daddy has noted that Avery's appreciation for Neil Young is reaching new heights.  She is actually trying to BECOME Neil Young circa 1970...

Happy New Year 2014!

Went to the Lowe's for a New Year's Eve Skating party!  Avery hit the ice for the first time.  Trevor had his hockey helmet, which was awesome, and we had a great time with Jade, Max, Rogan and Kalvyn.  We had some cider, some sparklers, and took a look back with our "homework" from Kaitlyn.  What a fun party!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas 2013, Potomac

Aunt Annie hosted, and Gigi and Grandaddy and the McLaurins came along.  It was a lot of fun.  Kicked it off Monday with Trevor and Cole going to Congressional for the Polar Express.  Tuesday everyone else arrived, and we went with Cole to the National Christmas Tree/White House/Train show on the Elipse.  Wednesday was Christmas!  Thursday we went to the Air and Space Museum and to Hibachi Dinner (Trevor's birthday) and a lovely, interminable ride through a holiday light show.  It was a fun holiday -- Avery enjoyed Christmas.  Santa found us at Aunt Annie's house, and Patch and Coco got along, for the most part.  Merry Christmas!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.