Friday, March 21, 2014

Green Flower

On the actual St. Patrick's Day Monday, Avery rocked the green carnation in her hair, which was well received.  At home that night we tried to trap a leprechaun, but only saw his green footprints in the morning.  How does he do that?

St. Patrick's Day Party

We all went to a very fun party at the Burke's for St. Patrick's Day.  Bounce House, Guinness on tap, corned beef and cabbage -- the whole deal.  Avery is a party girl and was very excited for the party, down to her pretty party dress and green bow!

Stepping Stones

Avery loves Stepping Stones.  Could go there every day.  She particularly likes the coin-drop yellow spinning thingie.  The water room is also a favorite, with the balls and the air hoses.

Pinkie Braids

The hair is getting LONG.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Too Good.

At the Stepping Stones cafe, with posters about the body all over the wall.

Daddy: "Trevor, did you know over half of our bodies are made of water?"

Pause, chewing, thinking.

Trevor (dead serious): "Which half?"

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.