Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Avery's wisdom

Avery has some good ones lately:

"Come along if baloney like a room with out the truth!"

Avery's rendition of "Happy" by Pharrell.

Also: "I know a lot about dinosaurs."  Like what?  "They eat stuff."

Monday, May 19, 2014

Franny the Bunny

Part of the wonderful Mrs. Maxwell Kindergarten curriculum includes taking "Franny" the bunny home for a few nights, taking care of Franny, and writing a letter (with pictures) about Franny's experiences for a class book.  Trevor hosted Franny over a weekend that saw soccer, teeball, french toast, and a trip over to Tarrytown for Sophia's first communion and some time with Gigi and Grandaddy.  Franny is one lucky bunny.


Minks to Sinks provided another bike this year.  Trevor was excited for a better bike, and this weekend we started to work on riding without the training wheels in the yard.  It is coming along.  He loves his bike!  Avery was able to pick up a new tea set.  Very cute to see a little girl carefully walking through the chaos of a massive tag sale, with he new found treasure.

Gone Fishing

Trevor and Daddy hit the Y fishing derby.  Nice day, but they were not biting at midday when we were there.

Minutemen (Junior)

Trevor has come to a few of Daddy's lacrosse games on Sunday mornings. The Minutemen are having a good season and will play for the Championship June 1 against the nasty Tsunami.  Turns out it is a bunch of graying daddys running around on creaky knees.

One Sunday was pretty chilly, so all of the boys (sons) on the sideline grabbed the daddy's Minutemen sweatshirts.  They were playing "bears" and hibernating.  (Trevor far left).

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.