Had the Morris and Hamilton families over for a BBQ Sunday evening, which was great. Adults relaxed and caught up. Kids went nutso with water balloons and whatever else.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Summertime Fun
Summer 2014 is starting with some pretty good weather. We had some biking at M-D, we had some stool spinning at Wilton Deli and of course the sprinkler has to come out...
Ambler Farm Camp
Trevor had a great week at Ambler Camp. He picked veggies and fruit (strawberries, blueberries, red lettuce) and cooked or created good stuff with the food. He played with the animals and generally got dirty and had a good time.
Bronx Zoo!
Had a great summer day at the Bronx Zoo. Saw the elephants, giraffes, gorillas, lions, tigers, and a bunch of monkeys and deer. "I did not realize how many different types of deer there are," observed Trevor at one point. 4D "Ice Age" Movie was a nice way to cool off and rest for a bit. And you get the cool glasses.
Avery's quote of the day: "What is heck that truck doin'?"
Avery's quote of the day: "What is heck that truck doin'?"
Last Day of Miller-Driscoll Kindergarten...
The day finally arrived, as much as Mommy and Daddy tried to put it off. Trevor completed a fantastic year with Mrs. Maxwell in Kindergarten at Miller-Driscoll. He was a "chicklet" with all his classmates, made great strides in reading, math, and learned so much through the "centers." Mommy was able to be in the classroom every week as well, which was a nice treat.
See how far we have come!!
See how far we have come!!
Father's Day
Great Father's Day in Wilton, with a swing to Westport for the beach and the Shake Shack. Love the poster!!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Dress Rehearsal
Avery has her recital tomorrow. Today was her dress rehearsal -- borderline toddlers and tiaras. She is looking pretty cute.
Daddy and Trevor have been gripped with Rangersmania as the Blueshirts struggle to stay in the finals with LA.
MD Year End
Trevor had a wonderful year at Miller-Driscoll with Mrs. Maxwell. Great times and good work with reading and math and otherwise. The end of the year had the show "It's Me" which was very cute. All the kids had self-portrait t-shirts. Same day we had Field Day where Trevor's class was team Red. Then we had a little family picnic time. That night we had "closing house." A chock-full day at MD.
Avery got a little piece of the action on the parachute.
Avery got a little piece of the action on the parachute.
On the way home from Maryland, we stopped for a night at Hershey Park in PA. Avery has mentioned several times since, that it would be great to live at the hotel (which was nothing too spectacular, mind you). Good times at the Park, riding the rides. Trevor survived the Sooper Dooper Looper and we enjoyed some ice cream. The next morning we toured chocolate world and made our own candy bars (donning shower caps).
Hagerstown Memorial Day
Excellent visit to the Mason-Dixon line for Memorial Day weekend. We went to a parade in Sharpsburg (Antietam) where the Sons of the Confederacy were among the marchers, raising Mommy's eyebrow. The best part of the parade was the large amount of candy being thrown to the crowd. Cousin Cole was with us too! Red shirts and red hats for the boys! We squeezed in a few holes at Fountainhead as well, and hit the pool and a Memorial Day picnic -- phew!
Mommy's Away
Mommy flew to North Carolina for Aunt Julie's birthday, leaving Daddy in charge, which led to tee ball and diner visits.
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Rec Basketball Coaching
Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again. Great year, great run.

We headed South, which was lucky because the McLaurins did as well so we were all able to meet up for the Memorial Day Parade in Sharpsburg,...