Thursday, August 28, 2014


Trevor and Avery have been riding in the back of Daddy's car lately, Trevor with his Etch-A-Sketch and Avery with her whiteboard DoodlePad.  These are their "iPads" and they play "games" including "Peppa Pig 3" and "Sponge Bob 2."  Trevor goes so far as to tell Avery that her "iPad" does not have the latest version of the Peppa Pig game.

Hilariously alarming.

Quoatable from Avery:  "Girls are teenagers, Boys are boynagers."

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Trevor's Seventh Birthday Party

First outsourced party for Trevor, a multi-sport extravaganza at Wilton Sports and Fitness.  Great time with good friends.  Some soccer, some dodgeball, pinata, pizza and cake.

Mommy made a signature football cake, and it was fun!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Hike in the Town Forest!

Trev even brought the bike helmet to get vertical...

Storm King

We met Sarah and Jackson at Storm King -- outdoor sculpture garden west of the Hudson -- which was amazing.  Beautiful day topped off with a dinner at Portfino.


At some point in late July or early August, Trevor dubbed his maroon Spring 2014 Wilton little league "Realty 7" team hat his "lucky cap."  It has pretty much been on his head every day since, logging luck.  Some examples:

Weekend in Quogue

So much fun with our friends the Wagshals in Quogue in early August.  Lots of time in the pool, lots of great food, and a bike ride to the nature preserve for a hike!  Steven's latest toy is an arcade game that has...everything.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mommy's Birthday

The kids made about 7 cards for Mommy's Birthday, and a nice sign that said "Happy 29th Birthday."  We went to dinner in Ridgefield at the Bareburger, which was delicious.  Leading up to dinner, some promises were made and Trevor responded:  "Avery, ordering dessert at a restaurant?!  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"  And he was serious.

We are either the best or worst parents of all time...

Monday, August 4, 2014

Swim Across America

Daddy did his swim again this year.  We rushed home from the beach Friday night and in the water Saturday morning.  Tee Shirts!!

Beach Time

Rehoboth Beach Trip

Great week at the beach.  Bike rentals, smoothies, boardwalk, funland and beach time!  Tons of time in the water and the trip to Jungle Jim's water park.  A few less cousins this year, but we had a great trip nonetheless.

Skaneateles Lake

Had a great long weekend up at the lake with the extended family.  Uncles and Aunts and cousins and Grandma.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.