Friday, September 19, 2014

Flag Football

Flag football is rough, tough, and complicated.  But the silver bullets are a fun team!

Trev got to be the captain for the coin toss at the first game.  Which was played in 90 degree weather...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Trevor is Seven,for realzies

Avery helped Mommy make the blueberry buckle.  Trevor knocked it down...

Labor Day Weekend on Shelter Island

Two Ferry Rides, one long and one short, and a great weekend with the Putignanos on Shelter Island.  Saturday was the Snapper Derby.  All of the kids on the island fished all day to try to catch the biggest fish under 1 lb.  Avery caught her first fish, ever.  Trevor caught 10!  Great food and great company in such a beautiful spot.

First Day First Grade

Back on the bus and off to M-D.  Trevor asked us for a few weeks before school to begin referring to him as a "first grader."  Mrs. Angela Young is the first grade teacher and so far she has been fantastic.

Summer Reading Program

Well done, Trevor and Avery.  Trevor read 60 books through the Wilton Library Summer reading program.  Avery "read" 60 books as well.  They got a nice t-shirt and recognition at the library and got to walk across a stage.  Avery declined the offer, but Trevor made the trek.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.