Monday, October 13, 2014

Tiger Cub

Boy Scouts is up and running and Trevor is into it.  Keeping track of items on a list, or in a book, to work toward a goal, is RIGHT up his alley.  He went to the Army football game at West Point on "Scout Day" (so got a merit badge) with the Hamiltons, in the rain.  Seems he had fun judging from the photo.  He has also been selling popcorn for the Scouts and is enjoying being a pitchman.

Soft Gym Soft Shots

Love that YMCA soft gym.  Love it.

Grandaddy and Gigi in Wilton

What a treat on a rainy Saturday.  They came over with Griffin and Sophia for a great day.

Soccer in the Rain

Trevor is a tough guy.  Played in the rain without complaint and played well!

Avery's Moves

Avery is at times shy, at times very coy.  She loves her dance class and will occasionally break into at Peachwave, for example.

Flag Football

Coach Ron and the other dads have made the "Silver Sharks" a really fun team.  We have a few ringers, but we are the middle of the pack overall.  Trevor likes football much more than Daddy expected.  He is trying hard, and learning what is an incredibly complicated game for a 7 year old.
The other night in practice Trevor grabbed Luke's (best player) flag in "sharks and minnows" and he literally could not believe it.  He giggled with Daddy on that.

New Garage Door




Youth Football Night

Friday Night Lights.  All the youth players came to the game and charged the field lined with cheerleaders at halftime.  Prior to the game was cub scout tailgate, and the "Stuff the Bus" fundraiser for the food pantry.  What a night.

Stuff the Bus shot made it to the paper -- Trev's second Wilton Bulletin appearance, just sayin...

Carnival time!

Summer is over, which is sad.  So we take solace in carnival rides and treats.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.