Monday, February 9, 2015

Avery's "Animals"

Thanks, Adam Levine.  Really.

Skiing in 2105

Finally made it to the slopes.  Daddy and Trevor returned to Mohawk Mtn for a very fun Sunday.

Scouts outside in the cold

Fun Scout Day at the Stamford Nature Center.  Made some butter, fed some goats, shot some catapults.  Boy stuff.

Breakout to Florida!

In an inspired move sometime in November, Mommy booked 4 nights at the Westin on the beach in Fort Lauderdale at the end of January.  After a cold January with lots of snow, we were ready for some sun, some beach and some pool!  Superbowl in the hotel room with delivered pizza; lucky cap made the trip; Avery wouldn't leave the pool; gator tour; awesome break!

Fun Fitness Night

Trevor's school, fitness night.  Team Yellow, total goofballs.

Still just a little girl needing her mommy's shoulder

Rock Star Hair Day

Trevor's school, good behavior rewarded with bad hair...


Heavy gaming phase, with Trouble (not pictured) the Avery favorite...

The Trial of Alice in Wonderland

Trevor Galligan was back on the Crystal Theater stage, this time as "Lizard Bill" in the "Trial of Alice in Wonderland."  It was a tour de force of musical drama and childhood exuberance.  He knocked it out of the park and the press is still calling.  Grandma was in town for the show, which was a HUGE added bonus.

The lizard is the one in green.

Avery's Hair, Feels the Cut

January 4, 2015.  1,498 days Avery grew her hair without a single snip.  It was approaching the bottom of the bottom, so we thought we'd clean it up a bit...

Back on the Ice

Trevor is back on the ice with the hockey classes in Ridgefield, and looking every bit the blue-line tough guy.

Scouts on Ice

The Tiger Cub Scouts and the rest of Pack 22 got to go to Bridgeport, see the Sound Tigers play, and take part in the flag ceremony for the national anthem.  We got to hold the gigantic flag out on the ice, which was pretty cool.


January 1, 2015.  McLaurins came to Wilton for some brunch.  Griffin's shoulder hit Trevor's loose tooth during some football, and it popped!   Thank goodness the Tooth Fairy found us.

NYE at the Lowes

Always fun at the Lowes for NYE -- no skating this year due to inclement (warm) weather.

But we made pizza!  Avery hanging with the big girls Jade and Sadie.

New Years Day

A little shopping and carousel for Daddy and Avery...

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.