Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ski Season

Trevor and Dad made it to Mohawk four times this season and once to Butternut.  Trevor has come  LONG way and is now one of those kids who point the skis straight down the hill and race to the bottom.  Fun times in this long winter.


So we are all waiting for Trevor's music show at Miller Driscoll to begin.  We were sitting on benches in the North Cafeteria at 9:15 on a Thursday morning.  Avery, on her knees on the bench, apparently leaned forward and slipped.  She cracked her forehead, blood everywhere.  Fast forward two hours we had hit the nurse's office, a plastic surgeon, and a diner to get some pasta and ice cream.

Radio Station

Tiger Den Blue went to WSHU to learn about radio stations.  Fun trip!  It was cool to meet the DJ and then hear him in the car on the way home over the radio.  And then within an hour of being home, had our own radio station set up in Trevor's room -- with a light saber microphone.

Happy St. Pats!

Cute little lass.

Spring never comes

Snow on March 31.  Snow a few times in March.  Lots of skiing.  Lots of Rangers hockey.  And now a Rangers hat!

Pinewood Derby

T-BOMB made its debut at the Pack 22 Pinewood Derby on March 14.  Respectable 6th place finish.  But high marks for design and independent work by Trevor!

Cousins are great

Moustachio Men!!

Hanging in Tarrytown for Sophia's sleepover party.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Avery Slide

Snow Day

The Snow Just Would Not Stop Feb-March.

Pinewood Derby Preparation

The evolution of T-BOMB.  Our first Pinewood Derby, but it has been a blast to watch Trevor design and build his car.

Ambler Syrup

The snow has been outrageous.  Every Monday, snow and a few other times a week, snow.  Brutal.

But going to Ambler to check our sap bucket sure was pretty.

Trevor, Reader

Trevor is on a reading tear right now.  He has discovered a series of books called "My Weird Schoolhouse."  He is reading about one a day.  Crazy!  Even in the supermarket...

Avery getting ready for a night on the town.

She likes her hair.

Trevor Skiing Vid

Blue Gold Dinner

We had the Blue Gold Scout dinner and the theme was MAGIC!  Trev and Daddy performed some magic tricks for the guys before the dinner.  After dinner there was a real live magician who was fantastic.  Fun to mark a few months of scouts, which has been really fun.

Berkshires and Butternut

Had a great weekend in the Berkshires in Great Barrington with Sara and Didier, Jackson and Clay.

Who ARE these people

These kids are hilarious.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.