Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cub Scout Fishing Derby

Cub Scout Fishing Derby at the YMCA pond.  We got to man the desk for a few hours, which was clearly the highlight.  One Galligan child caught a fish -- and it is not the one pictured with the fish.  Avery got one on the line, but wanted absolutely nothing to do with the thing once she landed it.

Spring Sports Spectacular

Baseball, T-Ball, Lacrosse, what do you like???

After a loong winter, we are unleashed on the fields of play.

Trevor is on the Wilton Deli Reds for baseball and a squad of silly friends.  He also has started lacrosse and the first practice was run by the varsity head coach in the high school stadium -- pretty cool. He loved lacrosse and has been practicing in the evenings.  Much to his parents' surprise (and his daddy's delight).

Avery has start T-Ball.  She is on the red team too with a bunch of CNSW friends.  Fun!

Avery & Jack

Good neighbors, cute pic.

Back in Wilton

Willing Spring to come -- Trevor lost tooth number two!

Spring Break in Wilmington

Still freezing in CT, so a welcome break in NC.  Fun times with Grandma including a TON of croquet, a movie, books, the beach, yummy food, and peanut M&M after peanut M&M.

Always fun at Grandmas!

Science Fair

Trevor put together a cool science experiment. He was wondering about taste, and what smell had to do with taste.  He ate right jelly beans with his eyes covered and his nose pinched.  He tried to guess the flavors and did not guess any correctly.  Then he tasted the eight again with his eyes covered and guessed the flavors and got 6 of 8 correct.

Mrs. Young stopped by the table during the Science Fair and Trevor got to present his experiment to his teacher.

Easter Bunny Note!

Easter in the NE

Easter was multi-phased.  We had an Easter Egg Hunt at Ray's house.  Then we went to Aunt Jeanne's house for an egg hunt.  The we hosted Easter Dinner for Gigi and Grandaddy and the McLaurins. 


Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.