Friday, May 29, 2015

Roadside Attraction

On the way home from Hagerstown we hit "Crystal Cave" -- which had all the trappings of roadside America (ice cream) but was truly amazing!

Hagerstown for Memorial Day

We headed South, which was lucky because the McLaurins did as well so we were all able to meet up for the Memorial Day Parade in Sharpsburg, MD (candy) -- in the shadow of Antietam Battlefield.  It is a great little parade, very historic and moving.  Action packed this year when the reviewing stand collapsed!  Seems that there were no serious injuries, thankfully.

Tons of fun with Gigi and Grandaddy, a nice bday nod for Aunt Annie, and fun at FHCC.

Tiger Cub Badge

Trevor successfully completed his first year of cub scouts and earned his Tiger Cub Badge.  Big accomplishment, very fun, very good work.  Cub Scouts has been great, and introduced us to a lot of cool ideas and activities in Town.

Avery Soccer

So it turns out that T-Ball was really not Avery's thing.  So she is taking soccer one day a week and having a lot of fun.  Sounds like Mommy is out there on the field as well -- keeping the momentum going.


Trevor is on the Wilton Deli Reds and it has been a great team with a great coach -- Mr. Ferrante.  Coach is very patient, has good drills, and even gives out baseball cards to the boys!  He also has eyeblack on sunny days.

More Avery Wishes

Wishing that Trevor's baseball practice would just end already...

Wilton Lacrosse

Trevor has embarked on his lacrosse career.  He loves it!  But he kind of wants to be a goalie...

Mother's Day 2015

If it is Mother's Day weekend in Wilton, it means Carnival!  This year it meant beach as well.  Beautiful weekend and we love our Mommy.

Spring Art Show

Trevor was selected for the Spring Art show and has his work displayed at the High School auditorium display space.  This work is inspired by Alexander Calder -- but you already knew that.

Avery's Wishes

I would wish I was a butterfly
I would be beautiful
I would live in Florida.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.