Monday, August 31, 2015

Beards and Brows

Silly Summer Fun

August visit to Quogue

Visited the Wagshals in Quogue and had a great weekend.  Andrew was there with his 18 year-old cousin from Italy, Frederico.  Avery asked on several occasions where was "Puerto Rico."  Several weeks later she would comb Daddy's hair "handsome, like Puerto Rico" -- so... Italian.  Otherwise, long days in the pool and yummy dinners with the Wagshals.

Wizard of Oz

This show has been in pre-production for about 6 weeks.  Hoping it gets off the ground, but it is not for lack of rehearsals...

Picture of the Summer

Running in from the pool, hastening to the tub, into cozy pajamas.  Long Live Summer.

Down at the Beach

After a great visit with the Harleys in Paoli, we continued on to Rehoboth Beach for the annual Galligan beach week.  Lots of sun, sand and fun with cousins.  Lacrosse sticks, Avery writing words in her writing pad, and bike rides were some of the highlights.  And of course the water park day!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.