Sunday, September 20, 2015

Trevor's ACTUAL Birthday

Phew, September 8 finally arrived.  Magic Birthday, turning 8 on the 8th.  He got some good ones, but favorite gift was probably the Rangers Lunquist T-Shirt, and he loved the lacrosse goal in the yard!

Trev's Birthday Dinner

Had a lovely dinner at Portofino to celebrate the number 8.

Avery the photog

She has a good eye!

Hulda Hill Tree

Great Picture from the Summer


Back to School, August 31, 2015.  Trevor's last year at Miller-Driscoll is up and running.  We have Mr. Scholz for a teacher, which has been great so far.

Avery is proud of her big brother.

Trevor's 8th BDay Party

Back to Wilton Sports and Fitness for an awesome party!  Soccer, Dodgeball and Capture the Flag.  Lots of fun... and these kids can run.

Daddy's Birthday

Daddy's big day, began with a wall of awesome artwork.  We had a lovely day, capped by mini golf tourney and dinner in Westport -- and ICE CREAM!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Shelter Island

Bacl tp the Putignano's Cove for a fantastic visit.  Trevor and Avery could not have been happier, playing with Grace and Will all weekend.  We fished, we boated, we swam, we went clamming it was a great weekend.

Summer Lacrosse

Week long camp was awesome!

YMCA by Trev


Trevor got to go to his first Yankee game this August.  Daddy got tickets with a bunch of Colgate folks, which made it more fun!

Four Seasons

Avery had a great August of swimming -- jumping in and swimming without any floatie!  Lots of hours logged at Four Seasons for Mommy and Avery, and Trev.

Summer naps and dinners

Avery is swinging

Golf Outing

Daddy took Avery and Trev to the driving range to polish our games.  We also played a little mini golf.  Trevor handled the score keeping duties afterward.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.