Saturday, November 28, 2015

Avery is 5

Avery is a big beautiful girl of 5.

Fun birthday at the apartment.  Special cereal, Trevor cooked lunch and we all played with Avery's new toys and crafts before we went to the pool for family swim: A new bike, lego friends, sticker puzzles, a doll with hair to be styled, and a great bike helmet that can be decorated again and again! Dinner out in New Canaan topped with ice cream.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVERY.  We love you.

On the mat

Trevor had his first wrestling practice.  Great energy and a great time!  He was "King Fox" twice in the Fox game.

Redding Turkey Trot

Before the big meal, we went over to Redding for a turkey trot.  Trevor did a great job in the 3/4 mile race.  Daddy took the 5K on his own pace, but felt great!


Aunt Jeanne hosted in Tarrytown and Gigi and Grandaddy were there from Hagerstown.  Kids had a blast and we all ate too much good food.  And Avery loves Patch.

Future Warrior

Avery at the 50 yard line.

Avery on Ice

Avery is taking "Ice Mice" with some buddies.  Solid first line.

Stamford Balloon Parade

PERFECT Parade weather for the balloons.  So much fun in the "City that Works."

Daddy's Day

Daddy had a great time at Daddy's Day at Community with Avery.  We built things, we set the table, we ate a snack baked by the class, we had a turkey show and we played and played and played.  It was a beautiful day.

Colgate Hockey at Yale

Traveled to New Haven with some Colgate (and one Yale) friends.  Colgate came up short, but three boys had a great night sitting on the glass.  Fun game!

Lovely Lady

Avery likes pretty dresses.

Pool at the Y

Avery loves the pool as much as ever.

Color Guard

Trevor was picked as the color guard at the last Pack 22 meeting.  Lots of singing the national anthem lately -- still working on the words, but nice patriotism.

Avery Asleep

It does not happen as often as it used to, but Daddy still loves having his little girl fall asleep on his lap.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Halloween in Wilton

Living at the Apartment for Halloween, we found ourselves with two skeletons,one pink and one white.  We met up with some friends to trick or treat in town.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.