Monday, February 22, 2016
Rangers Game
Trevor went to his first Rangers game at MSG. Had Hank played, he would have broken Richter's record for Rangers appearances, with the new number of 667. Hank did not play. So Trevor's sign, congratulating Hank on the 667th appearance became not only obscure, but irrelevant. Then, in a thrilling game, the Rangers sadly LOST to the Kings in OT (strike two). All was saved, however, when Trevor's red hat got signed by none other than Henrick "Hank" Lunqvist himself after the game. Amazing time! Let's Go Rangers!!
Special Friends Day
Daddy got to accompany Avery to Special Friends Day at CNSW. We decorated a big cookie, we read some stories, the kids sang a song and we hit the Luncheonette afterwards for some lunch. It was pretty great, and we got to walk home.
Scout Field Day, and a Cartoonist
Scouts had a winter outing at the Stamford Nature Center, which was great. Trevor entered a cartoon contest, and won Honorable Mention!
First Ski Runs of 2016 -- and the season!
Daddy and Trevor snuck up to Mt. Southington after the blizzard for a fun morning of skiing with the Behars. Trev did great, picking up where he left off in 2015. Of course, it had been so long since we rented boots in October that the boots didn't fit! Daddy left his skis lying in the parking lot when we left so had the pleasure of driving all the way home and all the way back and all the way home. But alls well that ends well.
Finally, we got some snow. And it came in bunches. Sledding at the Avalon is kind of fun, but a bit risky into the woods...
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Rec Basketball Coaching
Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again. Great year, great run.

We headed South, which was lucky because the McLaurins did as well so we were all able to meet up for the Memorial Day Parade in Sharpsburg,...