Monday, March 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Sophia (10!)

Cooking party over at Sophia's with some of her girlfriends.  With the recent craze of "Chooped" Junior and other kid's cooking shows, this was a big hit for Avery.

Spring Time at CNSW

Sunny morning on the porch at Community Nursery School!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Goofball Avery at the Burke's party...

Pinewood Derby 2016 - Ranger Racer

Trev put together a great car, proudly showing his love for the Rangers, and did better than last year.  He placed fifth in the Den of 13 boys, including a crazy three-way tie in one heat with some of the top cars.  Top four got a trophy.  Darn it!  But very proud of our little builder.

Avery being Avery

Avery continues to be our sweet and kind little lady.  She is always quick to help in the kitchen, or anywhere else.  Loves to help Daddy match his belt and tie his shoes in the morning, and is quick to smile and laugh.

Winter Sports, Inside and Out

It has been a mild winter, but one chock full of winter sports.  We had lots of gymnastics, wrestling, hockey, ice skating and soccer on the turf for good measure.

Cousin Sleepover

Had a fun night in the Avalon with Griffin and Sophia -- sleeping in the loft!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.