Friday, October 28, 2016

Kindergarten Class Photo

She's a beauty!

New House

And away we go.  Painted the kids rooms and closets, a few shelves in the Great Room and boxes, boxes, boxes.  Pond excursions and playing in the yard.  Biggest struggle has been coupling the change with an EARLY 7AM bus for Trevor.  We've got a great knee hockey rink in the basement.  And oh, and we got a hamster named Hank.

25 Hidden Lake Ridge

Closed on October 5, moved on October 7.  Long time coming but we are thrilled to be in our great new house.

Fall Cub Scout Campout

We took the boys up to Redding, Putnam State Park.  Learning how to whittle and a great campfire.

Packing up

Heading to Hidden Lake Ridge.  Leaving the Avalon apartment.  Lots to do!

Trevor on Cello

Third grade brings opportunities, including Strings.  Trevor has taken up the cello and is enjoying it.  Learning to pluck and bow, and learning to read music.

Early Thursday mornings for strings!

K Scholar

Avery is really taking to Ms. Dentice and the Kindergarten work.  She loves it!

Popcorn Sales

The cub scouts are back out in force slinging popcorn all over town.  Trevor had two "show and sell" shifts -- Dunkin and Stop & Shop over two weekends.  He and Brody make quite the sales team.

Carnival Day!

Nice sunny day for the fall carnival.  Lots of talk of "what teacher do you have?" and "what house are you in??"

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Star Student

Guess who won Star Student?!?

Harry Potter

Trevor is racing through the Harry Potter books.  Daddy is trying to keep up.


Trevor's Ninth Birthday Party

Parkour gym, flipping and diving and cool, cool, stuff.

Daddy in the UK

Two nights in London...


Avery takes her first bus, off to M-D and Kindergarten.  Trev on the early bus to Cider Mill.  Big things are happening!  We were still at the Avalon for this year kick-off.

Trevor and Dad played 9 to welcome to wind down the Summer in North Salem.  T looks particularly comfortable at the 19th hole...

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.