Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Army Lacrosse Clinic

Winter lacrosse is in full swing.  Daddy is coaching 3rd and 4th grade on Sunday afternoons.  This past weekend there was also a clinic at Army West Point, run by Coach Alberici and the Varsity Team.  Awesome time and the Wilton boys loved it.  Coach gave a really good speech to them boys to wrap up about being first a good student, second a good player, but most a good person.  Never do the minimum, or just enough.

Sticks and Pucks

Team Light Blue has yet to win a game, but they are starting to play well and number 32 is having a BLAST.

Daisy Scouts!

Avery is excited about being a Daisy scout.  Sweet blue uni and lots of friends and fun projects.  As for the Wolf Cub Scout, he earned a badge for kindness for reading to his sister...

Birds Come Along

New bird feeder from Aunt Jeanne, and the dead tree is down.

Day in NYC

We all went into Manhattan for Elyssa Wagshal's bat mitzvah at Central Synagogue in midtown.  Very nice time and good to see everyone.  We had to dress up!  Then we hit the Guggenheim (closed) and the Met.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Hideaway

We owed Trevor a dinner for his December show and since that time they have done good things to earn a night out.  Trevor got third place for his artwork in the Emily-organized PTA "Reflections" Competition.  His original song won "honorable mention."

Fun to be out.

2017 Snow

Good snowfall in January, and some cold, but not cold enough to freeze the pond for skating.  Avery and I explored in the snow while Trev SHOVELED THE DRIVEWAY HIMSELF.  For $5.

And the sunrises at the bus stop are intense...

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Years Day 2017

No better way to spend New Years Day than on the slopes with your Dad...

Happy New Year

Another fun New Years even party at the Lowe's house in New Canaan.  Avery and Kalvin had a blast and Trevor had fun with Rogan, Max and Nate Rucci.  All the kids played a creative candy-saran wrap ball game.  Got home around 11 and Trevor stayed up to watch his first ball drop!  He was underwhelmed.  HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.