Monday, July 31, 2017

Patio Shot!


Lourdes Camp Dropoff 2017

Daddy took Trevor and Sophia up to Lourdes on Sunday.  We stopped at Aunt Linda's for a light lunch and a quick visit with Nagu and Suchen.  Trevor could not WAIT so we went down the hill a little early.  Settled into cabin 6 (Sophia) and Cabin 16 (Trevor) they were excited for some fun!

Swim Across America 2017

4 foot swells, 30 mph gusts, the organizers called it.  NO SWIM.  After the relief wore off, disappointment set it, so I swam a 2K at the Lake Club.  Pretty much alone on such a day...

Family Tennis Day

Finally got the whole family on the court at the Lake Club.  Emily has been playing the most.  Avery played some.  This past weekend was the first time for Trevor and Daddy.  More tennis to come!

Girls in the River

Avery, Hannah and Avery...

To the Beach! Rehoboth 2017

Great weather, hot, hot, hot.  Played some golf with Gigi and Grandaddy.  Had a dinner on the beach (success!!) and played a ton of tennis.  Another fun week in Delaware.  Funny story from the boardwalk.  Avery got $1 for one play on the "claw" game that no one ever wins -- and won the stuffed toy!  One shot.

Swim Meet

Great times at the Lake Club this summer, and lots of swimming!

Monday, July 10, 2017

BBQ Weekend

Friday night, Lake Club BBQ w Raniolos.
Saturday, BBQ at Ryders w Von Steenbergs
Sunday, Hosted BBQ with Dunbars and Hamiltons.

Phew.  We got a show out of the kids on Sunday, at least.

Hard Yard Work

Avery remains very helpful and engaged.  She used the leaf blower to blow off the entire driveway.  Thing is bigger than her...

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.