Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Sky is the Limit

Trevor's BDay Party

We invited 7 boys over for an Amazing Race, a knee hockey tournament, a BBQ, a firepit, and a night sleeping in a tent.  Started with 8 (including Trev), served breakfast to 5.  One stayed until 9:30.  One stayed until 11:30.  That one was apparently scared by the spooky story I shared by the fire. I felt terrible.  Sorry, Brody.  The last one stayed until 1 at which point he got our of the tent, went into the house, called his father, and got picked up.  As he was going to bed at home he mentioned that WE DID NOT KNOW HE LEFT.  I was sleeping in a tent alone next to the boy's tent and did not hear him go.  The Amazing Race was a success, and everyone had a great time celebrating Trevor's big birthday.  Avery was in heaven playing flashlight games with the big boys. 

Less scary stories next time!

Field Hockey

Yes.  It's true.  Look out.

Flavored mouth guard the favorite equipment so far.

Trevor is 10

Double Digits.  Crazy.  Birthday with family.  Cannoli cake, sweatsuit, and dinner at Pepe's pizza.  Party to follow...

He is 10 and we are so proud of our boy.  Here's to many many more fun birthdays.  The days are long but the years are short!


Yikes!  4th grade, Mrs. Baldwin and 1st Grade, Mrs. Hussey.  Off we go!

Fading Summer Days

It has been such a great summer in the new house and at the Lake Club.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.