Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Pond is Frozen!

At long last, we are skating on the pond!!!

The cold snap has a silver lining, and it is awesome.


You get all of these Christmas and birthday presents, and the best part is the box.

Christmas in Maryland

The cousins get bigger and the fun gets funner!  Aunt Annie's house is revamped and wonderful (so we got to decorate the kitchen before the backsplash went in.  Teddy made the trip and was a great guest.



Teddy loves to survey his domain.

From the front porch.

Paddle Party

We went to a fun family paddle party.  Avery had a blast!

Letters to Santa

Avery Loves Teddy

Every time she approaches "Bobo" she says "I LOVE you..."

He is pretty happy with it.

Making Ready for Christmas

The little elves were very helpful this year -- addressing and stuffing the Christmas cards, and baking cookies!

NYC Trip

We made our annual train trek into the city for the Radio City show and lunch.  We went to Union Square this year for lunch, the Christmas market, and a visit to Uncle Mac's office. New hat for Avery, and some serious candy stashes.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.