Monday, January 29, 2018

Trophy Shelf

Daddy finally made good on his threat to build a trophy shelf for Trevor.  Now Trev can just keep filling it up!

More Skiing!

Avery and Daddy snuck up to Catamount in the Berkshires with some of Avery's buddies and their families -- Avery S. and Hannah.  We had a lot of fun exploring a new mountain and Avery liked riding the lift and skiing with the girls.  Slept all the way home, as usual...


Light blue is 8-1 and rolling...  Trevor looks good, scoring goals and giving his all.  LOVES HOCKEY this boy.

4th Grade Concert

Trevor's Nod Hill House and Cannondale sang for us last week.  Trev had a line in the introductioni to "Button up your Overcoat."  And they brought the house down with "Break Away" by Kelly Clarkson.  Very cute night by the kids (T second row, far left).

Scout Night at the Sound Tigers

Pack 22 again got to go hoist the big flag at the Bridgeport Sound Tigers game.  Lots of fun, and a win for the home team.  Bobble head night!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

2018 Ski

Avery and Daddy took the opportunity with a warm (49 degrees) day and some sunshine to hit Mohawk Mountain.  After we shook off the rust, Avery was "bombing" Deer Run and Victor's Way, top to bottom and looking great.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Avery 2018

She loves her dog.  She loves her family.  She loves her sewing machine.  She laughs a lot.  We love her more.

Pond Hockey, Winter Classic

Silver lining to the really cold temperatures, the pond is great fun!  The Rangers won their outdoor game on January 1 and we skated all weekend.  A few friends came over too.  We had a few inches of snow cover, but we shoveled off half the pond.  Then we discovered skating in the dark, in the snow, on the unlighted end of the pond.  Amazing experience.

Happy New Year 2018!

Avery and Trevor stayed up for the ball drop.  Trevor asked to be reminded not to do that again.
Mommy was a little under the weather so she did not make midnight.  Avery was excited to watch the "grown up" countdown and only took one cat nap pre-midnight.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.