Thursday, May 31, 2018

Memorial Day Weekend

Packed weekend in town to observe Memorial Day.  Good small town living.  We had the grown up Lake Club cocktails Friday night.  HOT lacrosse practice Saturday AM and soccer game with a goalie session with Andrew the varsity goalie.  Then a dip in the pool and a firepit.  Sunday the 5K in town and a soccer tournament for Trevor.  Finally the PARADE Monday where we marched with the Daisy scouts and the lacrosse association -- then over to Tarrytown for a BBQ and some cousin fun.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Wilton 4 Blue Lacrosse

Lacrosse All Around

In the thick of lacrosse season.  Wilton 4 Blue boys are doing well.  Avery is having fun too, especially with the practice pinatas.

Cub Scout Blue Gold Picnic

Beautiful day at Ambler Farm.  I think Avery had more fun than Trevor.

Cider Mill Spring Concert

Trevor and the 4th grade belted out some great tunes.  Finale was "This is Me" from the Greatest Showman.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day

At Emily's request we took a nice hike -- if a little chilly and wet -- with the McLaurin's in Pound Ridge for Mother's Day.  Grown ups caught up, kids had fun, and dogs had a blast.

On the way home, Daddy hit a rock and we had a flat tire!  What drama!  We turned into an estate in New Canaan and met Ned, Irene, and a few others who could not have been nicer.  Avery (and Trevor) pitched in and we got it changed no problem.  Then it was off to a rainy soccer game for Trevor followed by Indian take out.

Happy Mother's Day!

Wilton 4 Lacrosse

This past weekend Wilton 4 Blue played the dreaded New Canaan team who beat us repeatedly last season.  We had two great games and beat them twice.  Trevor played well in the field, and then was really good in the goal!  He made some great saves.

Then later in the afternoon he had a chance to play with the 5th grade 5A team.  They needed a goalie. He was really nervous, but did really well.  He escaped with a 5-4 win over Greenwich.  The older boys were great and appreciative.  Great experience and great weekend of lacrosse!

Spring has Sprung

Still cold and rainy, but Spring is trying to burst through.

Fox News!

A family of foxes -- as spotted by Avery and Daddy early one morning -- has taken up residence under the shed.  Momma and two babies.  Then a fox turned up dead in Pat's back yard across the street.  So we don't know if that was momma.  But something is still living under the shed.  Here is a pic of one of the little ones.

Wilton 4 Lacrosse

Lacrosse is in full swing.  Daddy is the Head Coach.  We have six coaches, 32 kids, and a lot of energy.  Trevor is mostly playing in the goal and doing a great job.  We have had good wins so far and some losses to keep us focused and humble.  Lots of fun with this group.

Avery Under the Hood

Avery is always game to help with a project.  Loves to help, loves to get involved, always thinking of others.  It is a remarkable thing.  So now she knows how to change a headlight.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.