Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Teddy, Before and After Haircut

We missed Teddy while we were away.  He got a handsome new haircut when we came back.

Rehoboth 2018

Gigi and Grandaddy rented a different house this year, and the McLaurins could not make it because the kids were at Camp Bil-o-Wood in Canada.  So there were some differences, but we had a chock-full week in Rehoboth with perfect weather and had an amazing time!

Tennis every morning with Trevor in the mix.  Golf, beach, water park, boardwalk, bike rides, British Open, Lacrosse World Championship, World Cup -- great summer times.

Drive to Delaware

We had our annual night at the Harley's in Paoli, PA.  Great time as always as we entered vacation mode.

Trevor's Summer Bucket List

Trevor's summer bucket list:

Win a tennis match (check, silver medal in the U10 Juniors)
Score a Water Polo goal (check, scored 2)
Make 5,000 baskets on the driveway hoop (pending)
Drink a Red Bull (pending)

And he plays a mean goal in Water Polo

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Avery in the Summer

I don't know many people who have more fun than Avery.

July 4

Up early with Mr. Slough to stake out a fireworks spot.  Then a fun day at the pool where Daddy did not embarrass himself in the Daddy "Big Splash" competition.  Then back to the fields for dinner, friends and fireworks!

Lake Club Activities

Parent Child Water Polo, Parent Child Tennis, on and on we go with the fun...

Farewell, First Grade

Off she goes...

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.