Monday, September 17, 2018

Hopes and Dreams for 2nd and 5th grade

Avery has Mrs. Kear.  Trevor has Mrs. Didelot.  We got two good teachers again this year, it seems.  We are ready to run these schools!

Trevor's "Real" BDay

September 8.  A Saturday this year.  Some gifts, some breakfast, some mini golf, and some Colony Grill pizza followed by Whoopie Pies!

Aunt Annie hooked up the best gift -- a Duke Lacrosse t-shirt signed by the current starting goalie (friend of a friend of Chris').  Avery and Daddy put tape "11s" all over the house.

Proud of this 11 year old.

Travel. Soccer.

Both kids playing travel soccer.  Off to a great start -- if our records don't reflect it.  Having fun so far.  Trevor had a shutout against Stamford and Avery has been having a blast and giving her all.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Back to School 2018

Top of the ladder at Miller Driscoll (second grade) and Cider Mill (fifth grade).  We've got great teachers and new and old friends.  Away we go!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.