Thursday, November 29, 2018

Winter Sports

Sports Sports Sports

Avery is 8


Daddy away, great gifts, dinner with Lilly and Mommy, suitcase, Teddy socks, and on and on.  Party in a week!

Avery and Teddy in the Sunshine

Lovely day on Schenck's Island...

Avery Artwork

Avery loves Art!  Constant drawing and painting.  This was a math related school piece, but fun!

Thanksgiving weekend

COLD (18 degrees) Thanksgiving morning for the Redding Turkey Trot.  Headed over to Aunt Jeanne's for Thanksgiving dinner with Gigi and Granddaddy, which was lovely.  Enjoyed some cousin time and lots of fun.  Granddaddy came over to Wilton for a night, which was a special treat as well.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Chess by the Fire

Now THIS is a Fall Sunday afternoon...

Gobbler Champs

Fun day at SUNY Purchase with the Wilton 5 lacrosse team.  Some welcome new additions to the team, particularly with the football boys unable to join.  Trevor played great and we had a 1-goal win over New Canaan and an OT thriller win over Westport.  Win over Weston sealed the undefeated day and the trophy!


In a good phase with the trumpet -- practice makes perfect.  And the whole house is humming "my country 'tis of thee..."

5th Grade Ballroom Dance

Trevor had his first ballroom dance evening.  Lots of fifth graders.  Lots of awkward glances.  Very little talking.

Looking sharp!

Trevor Soccer Semifinal

Trevor's team overachieved and was playing well in the second half of the season after a slow start.  Their semifinal game was close, but Westport nipped them 1-0 on a cold, cold day.

Trevor had a good day in the goal, with some good saves.

Leaf Day

Finally tackled the leaves.  Just before the snow!

Avery's new nightlight

Magical nightlights and some Teddy Love

Great Room: Painted

Finished.  Crew was expensive, but worth it.

Avery on the field

Avery had a great soccer fall and fell in love with the game.  She played really well down the stretch -- and was inspired by the Alex Morgan soccer movie.


AKA the Garage Game, the Ball Game, the Big Blue Ball Game, Avery's game.  Whatever you call it, whatever the rules are at that moment, the scores are high, and Avery created it, and that's what happened.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Hockey Drills

Scoring on a penalty shot drill and a great celly...

Having fun at the rink.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Halloween 2018!

A scary ghoul, a Snow Queen, lovely weather for parades and trick or treat, and of course, candy trading!

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.