Tuesday, January 29, 2019

GS Pinewood Derby

Avery and her "Doggy Dasher" took fourth overall in the Pinewood Derby (for speed -- had one run where she jumped the track that lost her the podium).  And she WON for best design without parental help.  Awesome car!


Sleep required, for Teddy and Avery...

Skating on the Pond

Two sessions of skating on MLK day.  Even got Mommy on the ice!  SO much fun out there.  Kids did great.

Neighbor Sleepover

Leila came over and slept in the TeePee with Avery.  Massive Great Room clean up required following the play date.

Fun times!

Avery Ski Day

Avery had an awesome day trip to Thunder Mountain with Daddy.  Her friend Sophie and family were there -- as was her friend Hannah.  Avery got over her jitters and was amazing on the slopes.  Beautiful and controlled turns.  Lots of fun!

Rochester, MN

Daddy took a quick trip to Rochester, MN.  The family stayed busy!

Outdoor Game, Winter Classic

Trevor skated at the beautiful Greenwich Skating Club for an outdoor game.  Number 12 in black.  So cool to play outside!

Trevor on the Slopes

Awesome day trip at Mohawk with Trevor between hockey games...  Kid can just bomb that mountain now.

Trevor in the pipes

We love the Ridgefield house hockey league.  But sometimes it is short staffed.  And when the blue goalie does not show up -- Trevor steps between the pipes.  He had a shutout in one game and generally loves making the saves!

2019 Off and Running! Pinewood Woodworking

Woodworking in Norwalk in preparation for the Girl Scout Pinewood Derby.  Great place.  One highlight was the guy with a long grey braid.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

NYE Party!

No one had more fun on New Year's Eve than Avery.  In the world.

Lovely party at the Lowe's in their newly renovated home.  Lots of fun for the kids.  Rangers won, and we were home to watch the ball drop with moments to spare.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.