Monday, March 25, 2019

Colgate Lacrosse

The 'Gate had a great start to the year beating Syracuse, but has been struggling since.  And Army took it to Colgate on Saturday with Daddy and Trevor in attendance.  The result was not great, but a sunny day with lots of friends in an amazing place like West Point was a great time!

Cookie Booth!

All of Cookie Momster's hard work paid off with a successful cookie both outside Stop and Shop.  Avery did a great job with her buddies selling boxes and boxes...

Daddy Daughter Disco Dance

Girl Scouts and Brownies all around, and a beautiful sunny St. Pat's afternoon at Rolling Hills for an awesome dinner dance party!  We had a blast.

Happy St. Pats

A little Irish in us all.

The Good Chart

Sometimes we all need a little measurement to mold behavior -- whatever we are working on.

Skiing Trees


Whole Family Ski

One last trip to Mohawk for 2019 and got Mom out on skis!  Great sunny day and lots of fun on the slopes for an afternoon -- into -- evening.  Stop at the White Horse mountain pub on the way home was pretty sweet too!

5th Grade Ballroom -- Western Night

I mean...
First you get your kid to do 5th grade ballroom dance.  And then it's western night?!  Too good.

March Snowfall

No surprise, snow in March!  Snow Day Monday.

Hockey Finale

Last House League Game at Ridgefield this year.  Battled through low numbers and sparse coaching to have a good season, get better, and meet some new (older!) friends.  Thinking travel or Darien house next year...

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Hitting the Slopes

Daddy and the kids ran up for a day at Mohawk to enjoy the fresh snow.  Kids did great, enjoying some soft snow, no lift lines, tree skiing, black diamonds, and some jumps.  Crushing it and having fun!  Avery with her typical homebound nap...

Final Hockey Saturday

Woke up to fresh snow, and the final Saturday hockey day.  T had 2 goals and tons of ice time with light turnout.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.