Sunday, May 19, 2019

Trevor in the Cage

Wilton 5 Blue is having a really fun year and playing well.  Trevor has been very steady in the cage, making some incredible saves -- including two saves with 10 seconds left to secure a 1 goal win over Darien.

But a friend caught what will be one of the more ridiculous saves of the year Trevor made, against Glastonbury in a game we won.  Ball comes from behind, feed to number 99 and Trev makes the save -- while falling down?!!

Brown Sports Coat

Avery caught sight of Daddy's brown sport coat that does not get a lot of wear -- and rejected it as too ugly.

The Silent Sorcerers, CMGT

Trev and Brody performed again this year at "Cider Mill's Got Talent" and pulled off an amazing trick.

Rec Basketball Coaching

 Trev took the big whistle and coached 5/6 rec hoops again.  Great year, great run.